
今週のワンポイント英会話 第542回

Food for thought. = Information to think about.


What to do on my next day off is food for thought for me.




Coffee shop and Wi-Fi

Why is it that every time I go into Starbucks the place is full of 'Wi-Fi squatters' ( people who use coffee shops Wi-Fi for free)? It changes the atmosphere from quiet coffee shop to office space. Don't these people have homes?

Steal or just borrow 2

Do you remember the blog about two guys who stole a bicycle? Yesterday morning,  I watched the police arrest a guy for stealing a bike. 
I guess that there is some justice I the world.

Who is it?

Early this morning while riding my bike, I was passed by someone on a bike with long mid-back brown hair and wearing very short hot pants and a skimpy halter top. When I got closer,  I found out that the lovely young thing was actually a guy of about fifty and he was wearing 'older people's glasses'.
'It's a beautiful world'.


*skimpy halter top:ピチピチのホルタートップ


My dear toilet

Maybe you remember the story about my washlet toilet which somebody stole, don't you?
When we had this beauty, a number of middle aged guys would always come to my floor to use it. It has now been replaced by a very small, dirty and uncomfortable toilet. But these same guys keep coming to use it.
Is it possible that men can become attached to a toilet? 


今週のワンポイント英会話 第540回

To sign off on something. = To give the O.K. for something.


Before we upload these videos, the chief has to sign off on them. 




Young girl next to me

I was on the subway today and a pretty young girl rushed to sit next to me.
When she sat next to me, I was happy, but I almost died from the powerful aroma of her perfume.



今週のワンポイント英会話 第539回

Things are looking up. = Things are getting better.


Things are looking up, so don't look down.

動画はこちら → http://youtu.be/Wov6EPcnK50